When the business world first found social media they it was a place where they could connect with their consumers at a personal level. Consumers were happy about the new communication channels as well. However recently businesses have reverted to outdated marketing stragies, such as broadcasting their message, loosing the one to one connection and distancing customers. Hubspot found:
- 81% of consumers have either unliked or removed a company’s posts from their Facebook NewsFeed.
- 71% of consumers report being more selective about liking a company on Facebook than they were last year.
- 41% of consumers have unfollowed a company on Twitter.
A Social Media Strategey That Works
As Verónica Maria Jarski states on Marketing Profs, that now is the time for businesses to look back at the one on one interaction that drove business to social media.
Social Media can find its more personable roots again. Businesses can stop flooding social networks with their pitches, promotions, and ads; companies can instead start focusing on one-on-one interactions again and use tools to help scale those conversations.
You can read the full article by Verónica Maria Jarski at marketingprofs.com
The Following is an Infographic by Hubstop that shows how businesses lost there way on Social Media.