
SEO for Small Business – BIG Results in only 60 days

In only 60 days, XP-Products website went from not being found in Google Searches to #2 nationally, beating out over three million other website pages.

SEO for Small Business - BIG Results in only 60 days
Google Ranks XS-Product #2 – SEO for Small Business gets BIG Results in only 60 days

The owner of XS-Products isn’t a computer or Internet Guru, he is a likeable small business owner like many of us. He has a pasion for manufacturing and selling High Capacity Magazines for the gun enthusiast.

Like most small business owers, he needed to make online sales but didn’t have a large budget. What he didn’t realize is optimizing your website for keywords is not that difficult. We a small amount of education and some hands-on work sessions, he was able to rank #2 on Goolge Searches for the most important keyword phrase to his business.

Here is how he did it.

Search Engine Optimization for Small Business

The owner purchased a SiteNina CMS website, which is one of the Best Content Management Systems for Small Business.

His website came with the Search Engine Optimization of all of his pages. He then wanted to know how to continue optimizing his content so his site would continue to grow in popularity, so for only $300, he purchased the SEO Starter Kit from SiteNinja. The SEO Starter Kit included work in the Key areas of website optimization and promotion to Search Engines.

  • Create XML Site Map file of every page in the website
  • Create a Google Webmaster Tools Account, recommended by Google.
  • Register the XML Site Map with Google Webmaster Tools, to more quickly promote the pages of the new website in the Google Search Engine
  • Create a “Google Local” account, to create another way for the website to be exposed in Google Searches, for the website’s business category
  • Review top landing pages of the website to make sure the pages were focused on keywords that people actually type in Google Searches
  • Provide 1 hour live training for “Top 10 ways to manage your content and improve your SEO”

SEO for Small Business - BIG Results in only 60 days

Gun Magazine sold by XS-Products

SiteNinja staff trainind the client on the fundamental SEO process, and worked with him while he learned how to optimize his own site. He was tought how to identify new SEO opportunities.

Free Website Review for good Search Engine Optimization

If you don’t have a SiteNinja website, ask us for a free website review. We will give you website optimization tips and make recommendations for areas of improvement. You’ll walk away with a list of action items that you are a professonal can use to improve traffic to your website through good website optimization.