What does it take to get Top Ranking on Google?
Seeing proven successful results, like in the Google Searches you see below, gets me excited about sharing with you how to get top ranking in Google Searches.
- Work with professionals. Many Search Engine Optimization companies have proven track records of success. For most companies, the additional sales far outweighs the cost of a good SEO company. The top national rankings below were produced by Taylor Reaume at The Search Engine Pros.
- Take a few moments to lean how to review your website. This will give you a quick education on the key areas Google looks to optimize the pages of your website.
- On-site optimization of the individual pages of the site is a must. This is how you “pull” traffic into the website. This is the least expensive way to be successful. For many companies who only need regional presence, this is all they need.
- Optimize your pages for the category of products and services you are selling. People often search in Google by the category of products, not the actual name of the product. In the example below “Tahitian Vanilla Products” is a category, not the name of the product being sold
- Use the Best Content Management System – CMS, you can find that has built-in features to help you optimize your content.
- Responsive Web Design – Since almost 1/2 of all Internet browsing is done on a phone or tablet, make sure you are using a mobile content management system. This will allow you to enter your content once into your primary website. When the website is viewed by a mobile phone the content will automatically reformat to fit on the phone. This article is mobile responsive. Have some fun and drag your browser window in, making the website smaller, and watch the content shift to stay viewable at all widths of the browser. Notice how the menu changes from a standard top-level menut to a tree structure menu, when you drag the window small enough to be the with of a mobile phone.
- So now you have created content rich pages that Google finds attractive, but you can’t stop there. If you truly believe you have created content that would be of benefit to someone, you need to talk about it online. The top 3 social networking places online are facebook, twitter and LinkeIn. If you share the URL of your webpage on these site, you are sharing with your friends. If your friends LIKE or further promote the page then maybe 1,000’s of people will have immediate access to your content. When other people talk about your content or link to your page, Google listens and your Google PageRank goes up!
- Don’t get discouraged. Good Google PageRank takes months with little pieces of consistant effort. That’s why this article is titled “Success Using the Campaign Approach”
- Google Ranks www.vanillafromtahiti.com #1 for “tahitian vanilla coffee”. Your website could be the next nationally ranked website. If you have specific questions, please post them in the form at the bottom of this article.