
Crisis Breeds Opportunities: Meet Them with Powered Up Digital Marketing Strategies

From what we’re seeing and hearing online, digital marketing experts are encouraging small to medium sized businesses to look for the opportunities that may be hidden in the current crisis and market downturn.

It’s a scary time, and while it is natural to circle up the wagons and try to withstand the oncoming attacks to the company bottom line, it will be more heartening in the short term and more profitable in the long term to take a deep breath.

First, assess the situation, consider what will happen if and when certain “trigger” events happen (like not being able to make payday) and plan accordingly.

Then roll up your team’s sleeves and start to imagine what opportunities might be hidden in all this dire news.

Investing time and/or money today in Digital Marketing and SEO will be key to getting yourself in front of the eyes of customers looking for your goods and services online tomorrow, and in the unpredictable months ahead.

Companies that plan for the worst AND implement roadmaps to reach the best will come out ahead in the oncoming months.

Tracking Opportunity:

  • Buying trends and buyer behavior will be shifting over the coming months.
  • When goods become hard to find through “normal” channels (due to scarcity, or closure of brick and mortar outlets) most consumers go online to inquire where they can find them.
  • These queries are the goldmine you want to align your keywords with.
  • Opportunities abound for those who can rise to the top of Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) and offer the desired goods to motivated buyers. Tracking what people are looking for, then ensuring you show up for them online with what they need is what its all about.

Upping your digital marketing and SEO game now, though counterintuitive in an economic downturn, positions your business to take advantage of the opportunities embedded in the immediate and long term future.

Curious to learn more or try some keyword research tools out for free?

SEO/SEM Software as Service (SaaS) applications are making some of their keyword tools free during this period — try them out as you find them! Here are two we’re recommending:

  • Ubersuggest, a widely used free keyword research tool that was transitioning to a paid model has reverted back to offering many of its tools for free:
  • SEOMonitor is releasing a tool we’re really excited about. It will allow users to search for keyword terms and see current search data trends AND compare them to the Year-over-Year trends SEOMonitor has been collecting. Valuable for those who want to see how user queries are shifting due to the Corona Virus’ impact.

Want to Read More?

Author Tony Wright (CEO at WrightIMC) delivers the ideas that were the inspiration for this post:

5 Completely Sane Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Stop SEO Efforts During COVID-19