The newly trained ChatGPT from Open AI has been released to much fanfare. No doubt you may have seen people on social media posting tests from it, or maybe a youtube video popped up on your feed. Well, AI is here and making a big statement with ChatGPT. What is the buzz about it and how can it help you (because let’s face it you either want it to make you money or help you save time and money).
Chat GPT is a powerful tool that allows you to quickly and easily generate human-like text. This can be useful in a variety of situations. Chat GPT can save you time and effort by automatically generating text for you, so you can focus on other tasks. Plus, it’s easy to use and can help you quickly create high-quality, engaging content.
How does ChatGPT differ from Google?
- No it’s not replacing Google any time soon.
free (for now) - Need email and phone to sign up
- Not current, factual information – can’t answer current events info (i.e. “why did Russia invade Ukraine” will return an error)
- Types of results: results page (Google) vs single answer (ChatGPT) (pros and cons)
You can use ChatGPT in so many ways. Here are some of things you can have it do:
- Find the bug in the following code piece (try entering this piece of code and see how it corrects it
- a=1
while a==1:
b=input(what’s your name?”)
print(“Hi”, b, welcome to an amazing ride”)
- a=1
- Write Code (js for designers who can’t write java?)
- Write SEO content (overly rich SEO content – people want 50 words or less! but that doesnt rank…)
- Write cold emails
- Write Poetry
- Create a choose your adventure (my favorite…see pictures below)